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Cover page
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Income
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statements of Condition
Consolidated Statements of Condition (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity (Parenthetical)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Cash and Cash Equivalents and Restrictions on Cash
Investment Securities
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses
Mortgage Servicing Rights
Premises and Equipment
Other Assets
Securities Sold Under Agreements to Repurchase
Other Debt
Shareholders' Equity
Earnings Per Common Share
Business Segments
Employee Benefits
Share-Based Compensation
Income Taxes
Derivative Financial Instruments
Affordable Housing Projects Tax Credit Partnerships
Balance Sheet Offsetting
Commitments and Contingencies
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities
Revenue Recognition
Bank of Hawai‘i Corporation Financial Statements
Accounting Policies
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Cash and Cash Equivalents and Restrictions on Cash (Tables)
Investment Securities (Tables)
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses (Tables)
Mortgage Servicing Rights (Tables)
Premises and Equipment (Tables)
Other Assets (Tables)
Deposits (Tables)
Securities Sold Under Agreements to Repurchase (Tables)
Other Debt (Tables)
Shareholders' Equity (Tables)
Earnings Per Common Share (Tables)
Business Segments (Tables)
Employee Benefits (Tables)
Share-Based Compensation (Tables)
Income Taxes (Tables)
Derivative Financial Instruments (Tables)
Affordable Housing Projects Tax Credit Partnerships (Tables)
Balance Sheet Offsetting (Tables)
Commitments and Contingencies (Tables)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities (Tables)
Revenue Recognition (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Bank of Hawai‘i Corporation Financial Statements (Tables)
Notes Details
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Additional Information (Details)
Cash and Cash Equivalents and Restrictions on Cash - Additional Information (Details)
Cash and Cash Equivalents and Restrictions on Cash - Schedule of Reconciliation of Cash and Cash Equivalents (Details)
Investment Securities - Schedule of Amortized Cost, Gross Unrealized Gains and Losses, and Fair Value of Investment Securities (Details)
Investment Securities - Additional Information (Details)
Investment Securities - Analysis of the Contractual Maturities of Investment Securities (Details)
Investment Securities - Schedule of Gains and Losses From Sales of Investment Securities (Details)
Investment Securities - Schedule of AFS Debt Securities in an Unrealized Loss Position (Details)
Investment Securities - Schedule of Interest Income From Taxable and Non-Taxable Investment Securities (Details)
Investment Securities - Schedule of Carrying Values of Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Stock and Federal Reserve Bank Stock (Details)
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses - Schedule of Loan and Lease Portfolio (Details)
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses - Additional Information (Details)
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses - Schedule of Activity in Allowance by Portfolio Segment (Details)
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses - Schedule of Amortized Cost Basis of Loans and Leases by Credit Quality Indicator, Loan Class, and Year of Origination (Details)
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses - Schedule of Aging Analysis by Class of Loan and Lease Portfolio (Details)
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses - Schedule of Aging Analysis by Class of Loan and Lease Portfolio (Parenthetical) (Details)
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses - Schedule of Non-Accrual Loans and Leases (Details)
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses - Schedule of Loans Modified in TDR (Details)
Loans and Leases and the Allowance for Credit Losses - Schedule of TDRs that Defaulted during Period, within Twelve Months of Modification Date (Details)
Mortgage Servicing Rights - Additional Information (Details)
Mortgage Servicing Rights - Summary of Carrying Value Under the Fair Value Measurement Method (Details)
Mortgage Servicing Rights - Summary of Carrying Value Under the Amortization Method (Details)
Mortgage Servicing Rights - Schedule of Key Data and Assumptions Used in Estimating the Fair Value (Details)
Mortgage Servicing Rights - Schedule of Sensitivity Analysis of the Fair Value (Details)
Premises and Equipment - Components of Premises and Equipment (Details)
Premises and Equipment - Additional Information (Details)
Other Assets - Schedule of Other Assets (Details)
Deposits - Additional Information (Details)
Deposits - Schedule of Time Deposits with Contractual Maturities (Details)
Securities Sold Under Agreements to Repurchase - Details of Securities Sold Under Agreements to Repurchase (Details)
Securities Sold Under Agreements to Repurchase - Remaining Contractual Maturities of Repurchase Agreements by Class of Collateral Pledged (Details)
Other Debt - Schedule of Other Debt (Details)
Other Debt - Additional Information (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Schedule of Minimum Required Capital Amounts and Ratios for Well Capitalized Institutions and The Actual Capital Amounts and Ratios for The Company and The Bank (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Additional Information (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - AOCI Components Pre Post & Tax Effect (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - Change in AOCI Components Net of Tax (Details)
Shareholders' Equity - AOCI Reclass to IS (Details)
Earnings Per Common Share - Schedule of Reconciliation of Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Used in the Calculation of Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Common Share and Antidilutive Stock Options and Restricted Stock Outstanding (Details)
Business Segments - Additional Information (Details)
Business Segments - Selected Business Segment Financial Information (Details)
Employee Benefits - Additional Information (Details)
Employee Benefits - Schedule of Reconciliation of Changes in Benefit Obligation and Fair value of Plan Assets As Well As the Funded Status Recognized in the Consolidated Statements (Details)
Employee Benefits - Schedule of Reconciliation of Changes in Benefit Obligation and Fair value of Plan Assets As Well As the Funded Status Recognized in the Consolidated Statements (Parenthetical) (Details)
Employee Benefits - Schedule of Amounts Recognized in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Details)
Employee Benefits - Schedule of Components of Net Periodic Benefit Cost (Details)
Employee Benefits - Schedule of Assumptions Used to Determine the Benefit Obligations/net Periodic Cost (Details)
Employee Benefits - Schedule of Assumptions Used in Calculation Net Periodic Benefit Cost (Details)
Employee Benefits - Schedule of Expected Benefits to be Paid in Each of the Next Five Years and in the Aggregate for the Five Years Thereafter (Details)
Employee Benefits - Schedule of the Fair Values of the Retirement Plan Assets by Asset Category (Details)
Share-Based Compensation - Additional Information (Details)
Share-Based Compensation - Schedule of Compensation Expense and Related Income Tax Benefit (Details)
Share-Based Compensation - Schedule of Activity for Restricted Stock (Details)
Share-Based Compensation - Schedule of Activity for Restricted Stock (Parenthetical) (Details)
Share-Based Compensation - Schedule of Activity Related to Stock Options (Details)
Share-Based Compensation - Summary of Certain Stock Option Activity (Details)
Income Taxes - Schedule of the Company's Provision for Income Taxes (Details)
Income Taxes - Additional Information (Details)
Income Taxes - Schedule of Significant Components of the Company's Deferred Tax Liabilities and Assets (Details)
Income Taxes - Schedule of Reconciliation of the Statutory Federal Income Tax Rate to the Company's Effective Tax Rate (Details)
Income Taxes - Schedule of Reconciliation of the Company's Liability for Unrecognized Tax Benefits (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Schedule of the Notional Amount and Fair Value of the Derivative Financial Instruments (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Derivative Financial Instruments, their Fair Values, and Balance Sheet Location (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Derivative Financial Instruments and the Amount and Location of the Net Gains or Losses Recognized in the Statements of Income (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments - Additional Information (Details)
Affordable Housing Projects Tax Credit Partnerships - Additional Information (Details)
Affordable Housing Projects Tax Credit Partnerships - Expected Payments for Unfunded Affordable Housing Commitments (Details)
Affordable Housing Projects Tax Credit Partnerships - Tax Credits and Other Tax Benefits Recognized and Amortization Expense (Details)
Balance Sheet Offsetting - Schedule of Assets and Liabilities Subject to an Enforceable Master Netting Arrangement or Repurchase Agreements (Details)
Balance Sheet Offsetting - Schedule of Assets and Liabilities Subject to an Enforceable Master Netting Arrangement or Repurchase Agreements (Parenthetical) (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Credit Commitments (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Additional Information (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Balances of Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on Recurring Basis (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Changes in Level 3 Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on Recurring Basis (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Summary of the Significant Unobservable Inputs (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Schedule of Assets Measured at Fair Value on Nonrecurring Basis (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Schedule of Difference between Aggregate Fair Value and Aggregate Unpaid Principal Balance (Details)
Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities - Schedule of Carrying Amount, Fair Value, and Fair Value Hierarchy of Financial Instruments (Details)
Revenue Recognition - Summary of Noninterest Income Segregated by Revenue Streams In-Scope and Out-of-Scope of Topic 606 (Details)
Leases - Additional Information (Details)
Leases - Schedule of Right-of-Use Assets and Lease Liabilities (Details)
Leases - Schedule of Lease Cost and Other Information (Details)
Leases - Future Minimum Payments for Finance Leases and Operating Leases (Details)
Leases - Future Minimum Rental Income under Operating Leases Including Subleases (Details)
Bank of Hawaii Corporation Financial Statements - Schedule of Condensed Statements of Income (Loss) (Details)
Bank of Hawaii Corporation Financial Statements - Schedule of Condensed Statements of Condition (Details)
Bank of Hawaii Corporation Financial Statements - Schedule of Condensed Statements of Cash Flows (Details)
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